About the Blog

This blog was made and to this day posted on by the founders:Carter and Seth.  The blog started out small and it's still small, but it's bigger.  It is also the the blog of news for our Boys and Girls Club.  Really this blog is read by employees and kids.  But we could never do it without our fans.  This might not sound like me, but it is.  There will be more and more added onto this blog.  We started out with three people Carter,Seth, and Noah. The news can be anything:Funny,avertisments,jokes, or serious stuff!  Yeah right.  Many things are happening to our blog like the addition of 3 new workers:Colton, Weston, Jackson. Each have there little parts to help make this big blog! Our blog is going to be open this coming school year. Yep, this means even more news. More deeper and better. The polls will continue and me and Seth might even expand the number of polls to 4! We hope you continue to read this, because we will grow. The Boys and Girls Club News Team will provide great news, just like when it was founded in June 2011!
After the summer months, Seth announced that he will not be going to the club this school year. This was a big devastation to the news. Without, Seth the news had suffered it's 3rd big three loss. (Noah,Caleb, and Seth). But Seth decided he will still be posting on the blog, luckily. So, now Carter is in charge until Seth can hopefully return. 

But, now all things are changed with Carter getting a Blade Article and Carter might be seeking new ownership.

Well, Carter is not seeking new ownership, but the blog might slack on posting, soooooooooo.

Our new system now consits of the Board of Directors.  Colton who has had a lot to do with the history of this blog will be returning once agian to take the role of Director of Video/Pitcures.  Noah will not be returning at the moment, while Seth is still away from the club with no ideas to come back for the Summer.  Carter (Me)  now is the officael owner of the blog.  Caleb, Noah's brother formly of the big 3 will also not be returning.  On the newest feature of the news, what it really specializes in is having even kids look at it.  You see the first versions, completly failed for the kids.  No kids looked at it and it was an employee thing.  But now with videos and pictures, it's looking better for the kids and adults.  Also, added Story Corner will be updated daily and will also be sure to reach kids and adults.  So, now the blog works out for both ways, and hopefully it is for a better and brighter future ahead for this history filled blog of the last 7 or so months....

We are closer and closer to our one year annevarsiry!  Also....  This summer is starting to turn into last summer with this blog, so it might catch fire agian...

Carter Evans, Website Founder