Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Battle of the Blogs!!!

Well it looks like the Bgnews haters from the summer came back.  Or at least the 2nd generation.  Valorie and Callie have made their own blog.  It is at the address, which is very long and hard to type,  But they only have 2 posts with like 14 words each.  So, vote for us here and there today! 

~Sorry for the delay in posting, some things have been happening lately!
~Windy day, kids outside having fun.
~And it looks like Stephinie, one of the workers at the Bg club has a new nickname!!!!


Yeah, I thought it was a little werid too.

And what really is weird is this photo of this fuzzy enemy.  He is now our rival, well this kind is of what our rival blog is now because it's so young.

Yeah, not fearing it yet.

So, continuing the post, let's get to some news.

~The voting for the Fav. Worker has been messed up so please workers no fights. 

Ignore the very little bad stuff in the video. 

Yeah, so that's the end!


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