Thursday, 1 March 2012


Well, it looks like it's a leap year!  Well at least yesterday was!  So, I love used to love to play Leap frog, so..............

That's how you play!!!!

So, here is some funny news.......

I am going to add a quote from SEth, "MARY POPPINS!!!!"  He yelled that while running up to get a ball in dodgeball.  Here's a picture below.  (Wow I love pictures!)

Yeah and how did that movie sell???

The Kids.....

~Went outside today!!! 
~Some played computer
~Others played pool

The Battle of the Blogs still rages on, and the VC Blog did NOT post a new post today, so.....
The polls on either website have NOT been set up.. 

So yeah, Battle of the Blogs not very good so far......

Going to add a few more pics...............

He looks so sad, but cute....


And last but not least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well kind of least

It's his birthday March 1st, (sigh)