Saturday, 10 March 2012

The Week Long Suspense.

Hope you have had some sadness.  The blog has not been posted on in a week until now.  Well, I checked the polls today for the Battle of the Blogs and  we are winning 9 to 1 at this site.  So, I assume we are winning it all so far.  But stay tuned because it's still close.   Maybe....

~Ok, I haven't really been around the kids lately, I don't know why.  They must be avoiding me.

~Our very own Seth was in the talent show today at school, for jousting.  Haaa and he kind of lost to Dev)n so.....  Wish I had a video of it.

~That overload of pics is most likely not gonna happen now, sorry!!

~We are really waiting for summer now.  The countdown has begun.  However, the summer might be a sore spot, which hopefully it is not....

~Well, that's all for tonight see you!!!!

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