Saturday, 3 March 2012

Your News.

Well, now as time has passed, I have really reliazed we are the Boys and Girls Club News.  Through, the ups and downs of this blog's months, we have always had it survive.  The news has provided a look at kid's days here and even recently funny pics and videos.  And who can forget the views from people in Russia.  We have even had 6 this week!!  GO RUSSIA!!!!~Carter

So, anyway moving on in the news, this is a off-day so not much news about the kids, except for the weekend news....

~The Battle of the Blogs is a dead race.  Each team is going fast foward, with all it's might.  Both blogs are about tied or they really are.  We can count up to votes from BOTH blogs polls to determine our winner in about 22 days, so stay posted.

~I am still trying to make a coloring contest.  So, we can have another great one like the 1st one.

~Our bulliten board is not raking in the views, so parents PLEASE start looking at that.  We want you to stay posted. 

~Russia people and the other people from outher countries, I hope you are learning about what we do at the Bg club and so more funny stuff...

Now for the promised,


What does the button above from, what website?  First one to comment the answer wins something to be named.

And it's late so stay posted for that OVERLOAD OF PICS!!!


  1. This is off of Roblox!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks carter by VALORIE

  2. Ok! We may not give a prize now-Carter

  3. hey carter, glad to see you stayed til almost 5 today. starting to think you turned into a pumpkin after 4 o'clock...
